Donnerstag, 18. November 2010

Best Science Sources And Websites

There is a lot of good scientific information in the internet, you just have to find it. I will present you some useful websites for people who are interested in natural science, especially in biology, biotechnology and biochemistry.

1. Science News 
This websites provides you with a large variety of scientific news articles from almost every sector: astronomy, medicine, biology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology, neurology, psychology and many more. Just dive into this huge pool of information. You will definitely find some interesting stuff.

2. The Human Genome
Want to take a look inside your DNA? This Website provides you with the fully sequenced human genome. You're not a scientist? OK. But isn't it just amazing to see how your genes are like...?
For scientists or people like me who think that being able to browse through your own genome is just fascinating :)

3. Online Molecule Editor
You're currently doing your homework or a presentation in biology or chemistry and you have problems in finding good structural formula of organic molecules? Use the online molecule editor. It's free. You don't have to download or install anything. Just build your molecules and save them as a .png or .jpg file on your harddisk.  

4. Basics: Genetics And Biotechnology
A very nice website for people who prefer "visual learing". Lots of amazing videos, animations and interactive programs concerning fundamental biochemical and biological processes such as DNA-replication, protein synthesis and heredity. Good way to get basic information on biochemistry or just as a visual exam revision.

5. Scientific Search Engine
A science-specific search engine with more than 400 million items indexed. Perfect for researchers and students!

6.Interactive Periodic Table
An interactive periodic table with detailed information (provided by Merck). Very nice in design and I think there is an iPad/iPhone App, too. 

7. Science Videos
This website provides you with thousands of videos - not only about chemistry, biology and physics, but also about history, (college) education and ecology.

8.Science Facts
Just cool facts!

9. Artificial Life: DarwinBotsII
A free life simulation software. Watch your virtual creatures mutate, evolve or die. Design their DNA, their behaviour - create your own gene pool. Realistic evolution simulation. Have fun! Download latest release here.

10.Free Online Course Materials (provided by the MIT)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers a wide range of free online courses in different subjects for students or undergraduate students. Some of them are available as a podcast on iTunes, too. Lectures, videos, lots of free stuff!

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